Salome Tanuvasa. Photo by Samuel Hartnett - Page Galleries.
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Salome Tanuvasa. Photo by Samuel Hartnett - Page Galleries.
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Join us to hear artist Salome Tanuvasa talk about her solo exhibition To be at home.
“The talk will be about the making of the works, and my connection to the places my family call home. My parents migrated to Aotearoa and made this country home for us, as well as fostering learning and connection to the Pacific Islands – the other locations we call home.”
Tanuvasa is a New Zealand artist of Tongan and Sāmoan descent. Her work is part of the permanent collection of Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. She is a multi-disciplinary artist and uses moving image, drawing, photography, and sculpture. Her work explores themes related to her immediate surroundings and her family life.
Free Event, no booking required.
Join us to hear artist Salome Tanuvasa talk about her solo exhibition To be at home.
“The talk will be about the making of the works, and my connection to the places my family call home. My parents migrated to Aotearoa and made this country home for us, as well as fostering learning and connection to the Pacific Islands – the other locations we call home.”
Tanuvasa is a New Zealand artist of Tongan and Sāmoan descent. Her work is part of the permanent collection of Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. She is a multi-disciplinary artist and uses moving image, drawing, photography, and sculpture. Her work explores themes related to her immediate surroundings and her family life.
Free Event, no booking required.