Since July 2022, Michael Lett gallery has presented over a dozen solo projects at 3 East Street, showing our commitment to exhibition-making as we emerged from the worst of Covid. We invite you to view the archive of exhibitions at East St, which can be found here.

Our time as caretakers of this former Methodist hall is now drawing to a close. Our current exhibition, Te Ao Hau by Michael Parekōwhai, will be our final presentation at this location.

Please join us for a send-off, with coffee and pastries, on the closing day of Te Ao Hau.

3 East Street
Saturday 29 March

We look forward to seeing you there.


  • Free


  • Sat 29 Mar


  • 12:00 pm — 2:00 pm

Michael Lett

  • 3 East Street
  • Auckland 1010