Curator Ken Hall presents an illustrated talk on Eleanor Hughes’ expatriate life in Cornwall and France.

Eleanor Hughes (née Waymouth) was a Christchurch-born artist who gained success in Aotearoa before leaving in about 1905 for England, where she settled in Cornwall and developed her practice as a painter and printmaker. Hughes is well represented in the Gallery's collection, with ink drawings, watercolours, pencil drawings and etchings. She was hailed as a success as a New Zealand artist abroad up to the 1930s, mentioned at times in the same breath as Frances Hodgkins. Hughes' reputation in this country, however, has not endured in the same way as Hodgkins'. This illustrated talk will look at her life and career and examine why her legacy didn't prevail.

Eleanor Hughes' work can currently be viewed in the exhibitions Die Cuts and Derivations and Ink on Paper.


  • Philip Carter Family Auditorium


  • Free


  • Wed 10 May


  • 6:00 pm — 7:00 pm


  • Montreal Street
  • Ōtautahi Christchurch, 8140