Fayen d’Evie and Benjamin Hancock, {~~~} ... , ... ; x, 2021, performance, 20:00, still. Videography: Lucy Pijnenburg, Editing: Benjamin Hancock, Garment: Jack Hancock for The System
Photo Credit
Fayen d’Evie and Benjamin Hancock, {~~~} ... , ... ; x, 2021, performance, 20:00, still. Videography: Lucy Pijnenburg, Editing: Benjamin Hancock, Garment: Jack Hancock for The System
Photo Credit
{---} Further Toward, Further Toward A Deconstruction of Phallic Univocality: Deferrals
Naarm Melbourne-based artists Fayen d’Evie and Benjamin Hancock revisit the archives of feminist criticism in Aotearoa, presenting a new edition of their performative publication Essays in Vibrational Poetics.
Performed in the gallery, the work draws upon the title and a line from a 1986 essay by Aotearoa-born art critic Lita Barrie. Responding to the contexts, poetics and typographic treatment of language in Barrie’s essay, the artists consider changing understandings of gender identity, and how, through repetition, citation and translation, the body emerges as a medium for communication.
{---} Further Toward, Further Toward A Deconstruction of Phallic Univocality: Deferrals is the third and final newly commissioned performance presented as part of the series Public Relations.
{---} Further Toward, Further Toward A Deconstruction of Phallic Univocality: Deferrals
Naarm Melbourne-based artists Fayen d’Evie and Benjamin Hancock revisit the archives of feminist criticism in Aotearoa, presenting a new edition of their performative publication Essays in Vibrational Poetics.
Performed in the gallery, the work draws upon the title and a line from a 1986 essay by Aotearoa-born art critic Lita Barrie. Responding to the contexts, poetics and typographic treatment of language in Barrie’s essay, the artists consider changing understandings of gender identity, and how, through repetition, citation and translation, the body emerges as a medium for communication.
{---} Further Toward, Further Toward A Deconstruction of Phallic Univocality: Deferrals is the third and final newly commissioned performance presented as part of the series Public Relations.