Hear Emily Hartley-Skudder and Claudia Jowitt in conversation, 1pm, Saturday 25 November.
Emily Hartley-Skudder, Rinse & Repeat
The title of the show echoes a mantra found on the backs of shampoo bottles, while also acting as a description of something formulaic and tiresomely predictable. For this exhibition, Emily has painted a series of fourteen small, single-object portraits, many of which are caught mid-splash, being doused in clear and colourful liquids. Their colours conjure memories of pastel icing on children's animal biscuits, in combination with the crystallized droplets of flash photography in product advertising.
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Claudia Jowitt, Lesu — to return
These new paintings by Claudia Jowitt have been worked on over a period from the pandemic through to her return to the coasts of Savusavu in Fiji, where she has whakapapa to. The repetitive mark-marking, layering, extruding, and embedding techniques create complex reef-like structures.
Learn more.