Screening 7 October, 7pm | Bar open from 6.30pm
Te Uru is presenting a special screening of selected moving image works by Joyce Campbell, in association with the current exhibition On the Last Afternoon: Disrupted Ecologies and the Work of Joyce Campbell. Screening will be in the Lopdell House Theatre next to the gallery, on Wednesday 7 October, 7pm, doors open from 6.30pm.
This unique event will shed further insight on some of the moving images works in the exhibition such as Ghost Scrub and Flightdream. Campbell will discuss elements of selected works with Te Uru Curator Chloe Geoghegan.
Alert Level 2: tickets will be limited to 40 in order to maintain social distancing in theatre seats.
Tickets $5 or free with student ID - available from
Weds 7 October, 7pm | Bar open from 6.30pm
Te Uru is presenting a special screening of selected moving image works by Joyce Campbell, in association with the current exhibition On the Last Afternoon: Disrupted Ecologies and the Work of Joyce Campbell. Screening will be in the Lopdell House Theatre next to the gallery, on Wednesday 7 October, 7pm, doors open from 6.30pm.
This unique event will shed further insight on some of the moving images works in the exhibition such as Ghost Scrub and Flightdream. Campbell will discuss elements of selected works with Te Uru Curator Chloe Geoghegan.
Alert Level 2: tickets will be limited to 40 in order to maintain social distancing in theatre seats.
Tickets $5 or free with student ID - available from