In September 2016, the Āniwaniwa Visitor Centre near Lake Waikaremoana designed by John Scott was demolished by the Department of Conservation, despite widespread opposition from the architecture community and heritage advocates.

Jeremy Hansen will lead a panel discussion exploring the life of the building, considering how we value, understand and provide stewardship for architecture in Aotearoa, and how we navigate the cultural, economic and social forces that might determine a building’s end.

Booking is free here. Spaces are limited.


Jeremy Hansen writes about architecture and design, and was curator of the 2018 New Zealand Festival of Architecture. He grew up near Lake Waikaremoana and was a frequent visitor to John Scott’s Aniwaniwa Visitor Centre. He featured some of Scott’s works in the pages of HOME magazine during his 11-year stint as editor there, as well as in his 2013 book Modern: New Zealand Homes from 1938 to 1977.

Public programmes associated with John Scott Works are supported by Auckland Arts Festival. This is a free event, hospitality provided by our extraordinary food partners Black Estate, Liberty Brewing and Amano.


  • Free


  • Thu 14 Mar


  • 5:30 pm


  • 13 Rose Rd
  • Auckland 1021