Come together and celebrate the opening of City Gallery's winter exhibition season. Join CGW for an afternoon programme of events that will offer you a deeper understanding of the exhibitions Nova Paul: Ngā Pūrākau Nō Ngā Rākau, Ayesha Green: Folk Nationalism, and George Watson: Beauty Incarnate.
Ngā Pūrākau Nō Ngā Rākau (Stories from Trees) is a new film installation by Nova Paul (Ngā Puhi) that draws from whakapapa, whakataukī and kōrero tuku iho – stories passed down from ancestors. Paul will be joined by whanaunga Karl Chitham for a whakapapa kōrero. Come and hear them speak to their shared histories and connection to communities and place that can be experienced in Paul’s kaupapa Māori films.
Learn more about our afternoon of Opening Day events:
2pm Responses to Ayesha Green: Folk Nationalism.
3pm Screening: George Watson They are cruel.
Drop in for one or stay for the whole afternoon as these floor talks are sure to offer new and thought-provoking perspectives. All exhibitions will be open from 10am on Saturday 1 July. Visit early to view the exhibitions before the afternoon’s programmes.
Nova Paul (Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, and Te Māhurehure ki Whatitiri, Ngāpuhi) is a visionary artist filmmaker based in Tāmaki Makaurau. Her work encompasses early cinematic film processes, experimental film practices and weaving traditional stories and mātauranga Māori to explore the poetics and politics of everyday self-determination and place, ultimately envisioning tino rangatiratanga - Māori sovereignty.
Karl Chitham (Te Uriroroi, Ngā Puhi) trained as an artist and educator and has held curatorial roles in universities, museums and public galleries. He was curator at Rotorua Museum and Director and Curator at Tauranga Art Gallery before taking up his current role as Director of the Dowse Art Museum, Head of Arts and Culture for Hutt City. He is a trustee of Wairau Māori Art Gallery, the first dedicated public Māori art gallery nationally and has written for multiple arts publications including co-authoring the ground-breaking publication Crafting Aotearoa: A Cultural History of New Zealand and the Wider Moana Oceania. He has curated numerous exhibitions including Whetūrangitia/Made As Stars, Tohu Whakatipu, Shane Cotton: Te Puāwai and co-curating Reuben Paterson: The Only Dream Left*.
Come together and celebrate the opening of City Gallery's winter exhibition season. Join CGW for an afternoon programme of events that will offer you a deeper understanding of the exhibitions Nova Paul: Ngā Pūrākau Nō Ngā Rākau, Ayesha Green: Folk Nationalism, and George Watson: Beauty Incarnate.
Ngā Pūrākau Nō Ngā Rākau (Stories from Trees) is a new film installation by Nova Paul (Ngā Puhi) that draws from whakapapa, whakataukī and kōrero tuku iho – stories passed down from ancestors. Paul will be joined by whanaunga Karl Chitham for a whakapapa kōrero. Come and hear them speak to their shared histories and connection to communities and place that can be experienced in Paul’s kaupapa Māori films.
Learn more about our afternoon of Opening Day events:
2pm Responses to Ayesha Green: Folk Nationalism.
3pm Screening: George Watson They are cruel.
Drop in for one or stay for the whole afternoon as these floor talks are sure to offer new and thought-provoking perspectives. All exhibitions will be open from 10am on Saturday 1 July. Visit early to view the exhibitions before the afternoon’s programmes.
Nova Paul (Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, and Te Māhurehure ki Whatitiri, Ngāpuhi) is a visionary artist filmmaker based in Tāmaki Makaurau. Her work encompasses early cinematic film processes, experimental film practices and weaving traditional stories and mātauranga Māori to explore the poetics and politics of everyday self-determination and place, ultimately envisioning tino rangatiratanga - Māori sovereignty.
Karl Chitham (Te Uriroroi, Ngā Puhi) trained as an artist and educator and has held curatorial roles in universities, museums and public galleries. He was curator at Rotorua Museum and Director and Curator at Tauranga Art Gallery before taking up his current role as Director of the Dowse Art Museum, Head of Arts and Culture for Hutt City. He is a trustee of Wairau Māori Art Gallery, the first dedicated public Māori art gallery nationally and has written for multiple arts publications including co-authoring the ground-breaking publication Crafting Aotearoa: A Cultural History of New Zealand and the Wider Moana Oceania. He has curated numerous exhibitions including Whetūrangitia/Made As Stars, Tohu Whakatipu, Shane Cotton: Te Puāwai and co-curating Reuben Paterson: The Only Dream Left*.