'Nickys conversion' Still
Photo Credit
'Nickys conversion' Still
Photo Credit
Richard Frater
Nicky's conversion
19 March – 17 April
Preview Screening
Wednesday 19 March, 6pm
To be followed by a discussion with Nicola and the artist.
Please arrive from 5.30pm for a 6pm start. The screening of Nicky's conversion will be approximately 20 minutes, with the discussion to continue for a further 30 minutes. Refreshments will follow.
Richard Frater
Nicky's conversion
19 March – 17 April
Preview Screening
Wednesday 19 March, 6pm
To be followed by a discussion with Nicola and the artist.
Please arrive from 5.30pm for a 6pm start. The screening of Nicky's conversion will be approximately 20 minutes, with the discussion to continue for a further 30 minutes. Refreshments will follow.