Tori Beeche | Framework | 2022 | Oil on canvas | 653 x 751mm
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Tori Beeche | Framework | 2022 | Oil on canvas | 653 x 751mm
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Broker presents, The Insiders, a group exhibition featuring New Zealand and Australian-based artists, Jane Reynolds, Caryline Boreham, Sarah Bultitude, Tori Beeche, Ekaterina Dimieva and Blair McLeod.
Spanning photography, video, painting and drawing, the exhibition examines each artist’s contemplation of the internalisation of emotional and psychological states, within the external, physical spaces of our existence.
Join the gallery at 6pm on Wednesday December 7th for the opening reception, featuring Ekaterina Dimieva, Caroline Boreham and Tori Beeche in conversation with Marc Blake.
Broker presents, The Insiders, a group exhibition featuring New Zealand and Australian-based artists, Jane Reynolds, Caryline Boreham, Sarah Bultitude, Tori Beeche, Ekaterina Dimieva and Blair McLeod.
Spanning photography, video, painting and drawing, the exhibition examines each artist’s contemplation of the internalisation of emotional and psychological states, within the external, physical spaces of our existence.
Join the gallery at 6pm on Wednesday December 7th for the opening reception, featuring Ekaterina Dimieva, Caroline Boreham and Tori Beeche in conversation with Marc Blake.