Thursday 30 April – Sunday 17 May

Auckland Art Fair are pleased to invite you to join the Virtual Art Fair from Thursday 30 April - Sunday 17 May. It’s where you will discover more than 30 galleries from New Zealand and Australia displaying works that would have otherwise been seen at the 2020 Auckland Art Fair.

This Virtual Art Fair is in recognition of the artists who have already made special works for the Art Fair that couldn’t happen, and the galleries who have supported them in doing so. It comes at a time of global uncertainty, when the importance of art, community and culture are especially apparent.

It is a celebration of the talent and diversity of art making by artists from our region - across New Zealand and Australia, but also around the wider Pacific-rim. AAF hope that, wherever possible, some of these artists and galleries will be supported by someone buying a work of art.

Browse, look, enquire and consider. Get to know new galleries and new artists and if you possibly can, support contemporary culture at a time when the artists and galleries really need it.

SAVE THE DATE - Thursday 30 April at 11am NZST.


  • Thu 30 Apr — Sun 17 May


  • 11:00 am
