The exhibition Violent Legalities presents new interactive maps of Aotearoa which have been specially developed to plot historical instances of violence and unrest and to track these against a chronology of legislative changes. Initiated in the wake of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, this ambitious project presents a case to scrutinise law changes that have led to the over-policing of non-Pākehā citizens in Aotearoa New Zealand.

On the eve of the closing weekend, we are pleased to be joined by two Violent Legalities representatives, Pacific architecture scholar Karamia Müller and photographer, investigative journalist and programmer Fraser Crichton. They will set out what they have sought to achieve to date and explain the potential of the software for future development. In exploring next steps they are eager to engage others to give feedback and provide suggestions for the project going forward. We welcome you to join this open forum and expect there will be lively discussion about the issues Violent Legalities raises.


  • Free


  • Fri 14 Aug


  • 5:30 pm


  • Victoria University of Wellington
  • Gate 3, Kelburn Parade
  • Wellington 6012