
  • Ans Westra

{Suite} Ponsonby is pleased to present an exhibition of works by Ans Westra.

The exhibition features some of Westra’s most notable images, including scenes from ‘Washday at the Pa’, Auckland and Wellington in the 1970s, and protest images from the 1980s. Also on display are a selection of historical silver gelatin works, handmade by Westra in her dark room, as well as colour images of Rotorua from the 1960s.

Renown for a prolific career as an iconic photographer, Westra has amassed the most comprehensive visual documentation of life in Aotearoa New Zealand. Ans lives and works in Wellington and is still photographing today.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm
  • Saturday, 10am-4pm


  • 189 Ponsonby Road
  • Ponsonby, Auckland 1011