In Bandwidth, Noel Ivanoff presents a series of new paintings from his Slider series, each made with a set of purpose-made squeegees and guides that allow paint to be thinly spread down smooth aluminium-faced panels. While consistent with Ivanoff’s previous Slider paintings, these works are notable in that each is made with a single movement that runs down the length of a vertical panel. The effect is to make the work simpler, more materially direct, while at the same time encouraging the perception of illusionistic depth.
The term ‘bandwidth’ refers to the range of frequencies available within a given band of light or sound. In these paintings each work is taken as an opportunity to sample a single colour and literally spread it out. While Ivanoff’s tools and guides provide consistency, the bodily movement central to this process produces subtle differences in pressure that result in the paint reading either thicker and darker or thinner and lighter. In this way, a single colour is opened out to reveal its chromatic range, a bandwidth that belies the term monochrome.
Read the esaay by Stephen Clellend here