
  • Euan Macloed and Geoff Dixon

Inspired by Euan Macleod’s exhibition FacingTime: portraits of Geoff, currently on view at New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata, and Geoff Dixon’s documentary Portraits of us, directed by Glenis Giles & Clare O’Leary, we are delighted to present this collaborative exhibition, by two of Bowen Galleries longest serving and beloved artists, Euan Macleod and Geoff Dixon.

Both FacingTime and Portraits of us, are, at their core, allegories of friendship and the human condition. This exhibition, is a tribute to these two remarkable, stylistically diverse artists. And what better way to celebrate 40 plus years of friendship than portraits of each other.

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday, 11am-5pm
  • Saturday, 11-4pm
  • Sunday, 11-3pm


  • 39 Ghuznee Street
  • Te Aro
  • Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington