
  • Gareth Brighton

Gareth Brighton is an artist from Christchurch. Graduated with a Masters in Fine Arts from The University of Canterbury (2016). He works in paint, primarily using found materials.

Brighton creates painted objects with the intention of making the viewer slow down to examine the materials and visual structure of pictorial communication. His work marries references to written and pictorial language; drawn and painterly picture making. His work examines artistic communication in a detritus laden, late capitalist world. Using recycled clothing as the surface for his paintings and street side flotsam, such as discarded furniture as the grist for his sculptural mill.

The resulting work often seems abstract: while still holding reference to things such as calligraphy or icon painting. These references are given a different accent through spray paint, pastels and oil sticks. Brighton’s casual line work is offset by dense patches of colours allowing vague forms to appear.

Opening Hours

  • Thursday to Saturday 2 - 6pm
  • Or by appointment


  • Downstairs in the Carnegie Center
  • 110 Moray Place.
  • Otepoti Central