
  • Anya Sinclair
  • Brendan O’Brien
  • Catherine Bagnall
  • George Turner
  • Jenny Keate
  • Kate Stevens West
  • Maiangi Waitai
  • Nick Burry
  • Paulus McKinnon
  • Rachael Weeber
  • Yvette Velvin

We all know that work works. It works by making money, forging professional and personal connections, and, perhaps most importantly, work works by meaningfully adding to our sense of self because what we work on works on us.

So how do holidays work?

When we don’t have to do anything what do we end up doing?

How do we spend our time when it is ours to spend as we choose?

For this show to work, eleven artists agreed to take on the deadline of 30 January and create work over their summer holidays. We gave them the brief Holidays work and asked them to interpret that in whichever way worked best for them.

Read more about the exhibition here

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday, 11am-5pm
  • Saturday, 11-4pm
  • Sunday, 11-3pm


  • 39 Ghuznee Street
  • Wellington