
  • Joanna Cook and Steve Lovett

Window is very excited to announce the first exhibition curated by our new 2025 team: (il)legible inkscription by Joanna Cook and Steve Lovett! Please join us for the opening on Friday 28 March at 6pm for the opening activation. Kai and refreshments provided.

What might the movement of ink embody?

(il)legible inkscription explores the palimpsest accumulation of language on the bodies of participants. Drawing from print techniques and choreographic practice, the project animates ink, transforming texts by transmitting, transferring, translating, transposing, and transforming them across mobile, malleable surfaces. Through improvised movement scores, the convergence of these practices is explored, creating an expanded understanding of thinking through ink. Concrete poetry forms with foam letters dipped in ink, making language an active participant in the visual landscape. Audiences will be invited to create letters, words, and sentences and press these onto cheesecloth and performers’ skin.

Audience warning:

This performance involves ink and audience engagement. Suitable clothing to interact with ink is advised.

Joanna Cook: Dance artist, researcher, and multimodal choreographer.

Steve Lovett: Artist and educator specializing in printed media.

Opening Hours

  • Viewable during General Library Hours:
  • Monday to Thursday 8am-10pm
  • Friday 8am-8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 9am-8pm


  • 5 Alfred St
  • General Library Foyer
  • University of Auckland
  • Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland