
  • Tia Ansell

{Suite} is pleased to present Ingresso, a new series of work by Melbourne-based, New Zealand- born artist Tia Ansell. On show now, this is her third solo exhibition at {Suite} Wellington.

Ingresso includes three sets of triptych weaving paintings, based on motifs existing within our urban environment. Tia begins by weaving intricate patterns on her four shaft countermarch loom using an idiosyncratic coding system based on the linear interpretation of her chosen location. The loom's specific demands necessitate pre-planning for scale, warp sequence, and design before the weaving can begin.

The harmonious blend of warp and weft features one or two combined codes, converting the urban inspiration into a unique fabric pattern. Geometric designs are then painted directly atop the woven backdrop, introducing an element of disruption to the linear pattern and giving rise to a fresh geometric image.

The nine works featured continues Tia’s exploration into geometry, colour, form and technical history reminiscent of the Bauhaus and Constructivist movements. In turn, the elaborate weaving paintings reference their own socio-cultural roots while pushing the boundaries of fundamental elements of painting.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm
  • Saturday, 10am-4pm
  • Closer for Summer 23rd Dec - 18 Jan


  • 189 Ponsonby Road
  • Ponsonby, Auckland 1011