
  • Ans Westra
  • Esther Bosshard
  • Peter Hannken
  • Chris O’Doherty
  • Elisabeth Cummings
  • Euan Macleod
  • Jeff Thomson

‘Mother Nature’, ‘Mother Earth’, ‘Papatūānuku', long have we considered the earth as the ultimate provider, our maker and our resting place. Many of us look on the raw world and see how she imitates our shapes; how hills roll like bodies under sheets, stretch like necks lifting chin to sky and collapse steep and smooth as any curve could be. Yet we all see things differently, some may rightfully say that it is us who imitate her. Either way, how we see her is open to change and often once we’ve seen an artwork of a landscape… a moment mirroring it can appear in reality soon after.

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday, 11am-5pm
  • Saturday, 11-4pm


  • 39 Ghuznee Street
  • Wellington