
  • Christina Pataialii

Christina’s practice draws upon the personal, the observable, and the imaginative to create a visual language that seeks to explore various modes and states of being. She explores themes of belonging - in the broadest sense - to a space or place, reflecting on what it means to connect with or detach from the spaces we inhabit.

In more recent works Christina has been exploring ways to articulate the concept of liminal space - the intermediate zone that exists between a perceptible shift or transition and a state of suspension. This is primarily explored through the use of colour and form. In her new paintings Christina introduces new motifs to her iconic suite of imagery and expands on her unique and distinct palette.

Opening Hours

  • Wednesday - Friday, 11am–5pm
  • Saturday, 11am–3pm


  • 147 Cuba Street
  • Te Aro
  • Pōneke Wellington