
  • Uenuku Hawira
  • Joe Kemp
  • Sherie Kemp
  • Teimah Kemp
  • Hohepa Peni
  • Judy Henderson
  • Kirianna O’Connell
  • Bronwyn Ngatai-Hawtin
  • Natanahira Te Pona

Mai i te Moana ki te Whenua is a multi-media exhibition that shares stories of Matariki and Puanga, acknowledging the many ways that this time of year is celebrated throughout the country.

Coming from across the motu, the artists will share their knowledge of mātauranga Māori through toi whakairo, raranga, and rongoā. The exhibition is curated by Natanahira Te Pona, resident carver at Lake House Arts Takapuna and long-time collaborator of DEPOT Artspace.

This exhibition includes artwork by Uenuku Hawira, Joe Kemp, Sherie Kemp, Teimah Kemp, Hohepa Peni, Judy Henderson, Kirianna O’Connell, Bronwyn Ngatai-Hawtin, and Natanahira Te Pona.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 4pm


  • Depot Artspace Central Gallery Space
  • 28 Clarence Street
  • Te Hau Kapua Devonport