Mending the Kupenga looks to the pūtahi — places of encounter and exchange — to advocate for the revival, sustenance, and continued innovation of ancestral practices. Anchored by her Taranaki Māori and Scottish/Irish Pākehā whakapapa, Walker creates “whatu-weavings” from fibres dyed with healing plants, (re)weaving connections to place through stories passed down and (re)learned over generations of tūpuna wāhine.

Coinciding with Matariki celebrations across Aotearoa, Walker’s PhD exhibition culminates a year of seasonal making, from the rise of the star Puanga in June 2023 through to its return in June 2024. In addition to Walker's exhibition, nightly throughout the month, the Gallery presents a suite of imagery produced by Hāriata Mann in its outdoor projection space. Commissioned by AUT's Te Tari Takawaenga Māori, Mann's works are part of an ongoing series where students are invited to depict the nine whetū of Matariki.

If you wish to join us for a karakia to open the space, please arrive at 5pm. The opening event will follow the blessing from 5.15.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday: Friday 10am - 5pm
  • Saturday: 12pm - 4pm

Te Wai Ngutu Kākā Gallery

  • 40 St Paul Street
  • Gallery 2