
  • Mikala Dwyer

Starkwhite opens its 2025 program with a exhibition by Mikala Dwyer. Dwyer is one of Australia’s most acclaimed contemporary artists. Since the mid-1980s she has developed an internationally recognised sculp­tur­al, performative and instal­la­tion prac­tice that explores ideas of shel­ter, child­hood play, mod­ernist design, personal biography, magic and the occult. These works play with the permeable and changeable nature of the materials she uses: plastic, fabric, Perspex, clay, wood, plants and sound are but a selection, all coming together to explore the rela­tion­ship between viewer and object. Alongside her more spatial works, Dwyer continues to explore exciting and engaging themes through video and painting, whilst incorporating her interests in early 20th-century art movements, including Dada, Constructivism and Arte Povera throughout her practice. Altogether these influences and various forms of media create a playful and fantastical body of work, experimental undertakings exploring matter and metamorphosis.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday - Friday, 11am - 6pm
  • Saturday, 11am - 3pm
  • or by appointment


  • 94 Newton Road
  • Auckland 1010