
  • Brendan O’Brien

Names on the land is the continuation of a series of works, images gathering fragments from the histories, sounds, mythologies and poetry that share and illuminate the places we inhabit. These assemblages might be viewed as charts (and chants) for both our environment and the impromptu music that accompanies us.

This exhibition has emerged from various sources – one group came to light as a cover project for Stephanie de Montalk’s collection of poems As the trees have grown (Te Herenga Waka University Press, 2023); other images surfaced as interactions with the compositions on Felix Bornholdt’s recording, Man Overboard (Raoul Island Records, 2023), and another group had their beginning in an audience at the Pyramid Club, hearing a miraculous performance by Melbourne based ensemble The Charles Ives Singers.

These works reveal fragments of themselves as configurations of space, as maps of a shuffled order, or as ramshackle journeys of exploration – they combine as dream-like meditations, disoriented visions of our location and times, of now.

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday, 11am-5pm
  • Saturday, 11-4pm
  • Sunday, 11-3pm


  • 39 Ghuznee Street
  • Te Aro
  • Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington