Wayne Youle, Whatever Wherever Whoever Whenever, 2022, Mixed media, 700 x 1800 x 205 mm
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Wayne Youle, Whatever Wherever Whoever Whenever, 2022, Mixed media, 700 x 1800 x 205 mm
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"There is a sweet time in the studio when the sun is bright and the shadows are solid, before everything has to be moved and the sun is doing too much. Sometimes we stress and labour over work, doing and redoing, starting something only to start it again, yet every now and then a combination of things you have shifted around your studio for years makes perfect sense with how you are thinking at the time."
Wayne Youle, November 2022
"There is a sweet time in the studio when the sun is bright and the shadows are solid, before everything has to be moved and the sun is doing too much. Sometimes we stress and labour over work, doing and redoing, starting something only to start it again, yet every now and then a combination of things you have shifted around your studio for years makes perfect sense with how you are thinking at the time."
Wayne Youle, November 2022