
  • Peter Hannken

Peter Hannken speaking of the featured image.

The causes of confidence is my most recent image in the series so far (there is another taken about the same time that I will put up on Instagram soon) and suggests the next stage in the process of detachment from the world. The circular mound in the extreme right background is actually the burial site of the founder of our Buddhist movement who died last November. It is still undecided how the gravesite will be finished so it is left as a pile of earth held in place by plywood framing for the moment. The pond in the foreground, also still unfinished is part of a memorial garden that was planned and construction begun some time before Sangharakshita died. It was progressing at its own pace because Sangharakshita’s death was not seen as imminent so there was no rush. Things change. Peter Hannken March 2019

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday 10am - 5.30pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm


  • 41 Ghuznee Street
  • Wellington, 6011