
  • Tia Ansell
Gallery Information

{Suite} Ponsonby is pleased to present an exhibition of new works by Tia Ansell.

Red Light Horizon is Tia’s third solo exhibition at {Suite} Gallery. Employing the loom to explore intricate weaving techniques, Tia threads together narratives of observational patterns that exist within her urban surroundings. The title and themes for this exhibition take inspiration from observations of social realities of the city including migration patterns directed by architectural and design symbols, light and sound - that change during day and night.

This exhibition comprises new scaled works (four medium sized and two large), each consisting of handwoven weaving-paintings encased in an aluminium frame. Tia draws upon details from her everyday life in Melbourne, specifically the migration between the city and home during the last hour of summer daylight. Windows reflect the fading of blue skies, red light in the horizon as the sun begins to set and the city becomes neon like a beacon drawing you in. When the day is over the route through familiar streets become a habitual pattern and architectural ornaments symbolise home.

View more works from the exhibition here

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm
  • Saturday, 10am-4pm


  • 189 Ponsonby Road
  • Ponsonby, Auckland 1011