
  • Berenice Abbott, Laurence Aberhart, Alinari Studio, Eugène Atget, Emilio Beauchy, Joseph Beuys, Louis-August Bisson, Peter Black, James Bragge, Bill Brandt, H.S. Brown, Burton Brothers, Charles Clifford, Frank A. Coxhead, Frank Denton, Herbert Deveril, Robert Frank, Francis Frith, Frank Hofmann, Arthur J. Iles, Barbara Kruger, Dorothea Lange, Sherrie Levine, Maurice Loewy, Josiah Martin, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Muir & Moodie, James Nasmyth, William Partington, Elizabeth Pulman, Andrew Ross, Roland James Searle, Paul Strand, George Henry Swan, William Henry Fox Talbot, Yvonne Todd, Tyree Brothers, Léon Vidal, Gordon Walters, Christine Webster, Ans Westra, D.C. Williams, Joel-Peter Witkin

“I think there is one more photograph I have to find. The last photograph. I’m still looking for it. It’s out there somewhere. I’m waiting for it to claim me, the last photograph. I don’t know what it is, but when I see it, I’ll know it and I’ll buy it, and it will hang with all the others. And maybe then the life, the story, the quest, will be complete.” – Peter McLeavey

This is the first substantial presentation of Peter McLeavey’s private collection of photographs amassed over forty years. McLeavey (1936-2015) is highly regarded as New Zealand’s premiere art dealer, representing many of New Zealand’s most significant artists. His passion for photography is less well-known but curators Geoffrey Batchen and Deidra Sullivan argue his collection is a key to his enigmatic character. Batchen and Sullivan have catalogued McLeavey’s photographs and this exhibition presents over 90 works, nearly three-quarters of the entire collection.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday - Sunday 11am - 5pm

Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi

  • Victoria University of Wellington
  • Gate 3, Kelburn Parade
  • Wellington 6012