
  • Ruth Buchanan
  • Debra Bustin
  • Shane Cotton
  • Brett Graham
  • Ayesha Green
  • Ngahina Hohaia
  • Ralph Hotere
  • Ana Iti
  • Paratene Matchitt
  • Barnard McIntyre
  • Darcy Nicholas
  • Fiona Pardington
  • Michael Parekowhai
  • Reuben Paterson
  • Shona Rapira-Davies
  • Tia Ranginui
  • Lisa Reihana
  • Peter Robinson
  • Wharehoka Smith
  • George Watson
  • Marilynn Webb
  • Robin White
  • Wayne Youle

A landmark survey exhibition of Toi Māori from the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery Collection opens this August.

Te Hau Whakatonu | A Series of Never-Ending Beginnings features 23 artists and over 50 years of practise, including monumental works by Brett Graham and Ana Iti, alongside new commissions from Ngahina Hohaia and George Watson. The exhibition spans the Govett-Brewster and Open Window and will be accompanied with a ‘Whaiwhakaaro’ public programme that invites community members, cultural leaders and artists to activate narrative / kōrero between works of their choosing.

Curated by Taarati Taiaroa

Opening Hours

  • Daily, 10am-5pm


  • 42 Queen Street
  • Ngāmotu New Plymouth