Ko tēnei whakaatūranga ka totoro i te whakaaro o te maumahara mā roto i te arotahi o te tuakiri ahurea me te aumangea. Ko te karawhiu o te maumaharatanga horekau noa iho i te whakamahara i ngā wā o mua mai i ngā hītōria a te takitahi, a te takimaha; he momo ātetenga me te whakamāuitanga. Ko te hātepe o te wareware, ahakoa ngangahau, mauri pōtere rānei, mō te Māori he hātepe ka hangaia e ngā whakapaparanga pīroiroi mehe pāmamae o te whakataiwhenua me te peinga. Ka tirohia mā roto i ngā mahi toi a ngā ringa toi tokowhā, ko tēnei whakatūranga ka whakanui i te mana o te maumahara kia toha tūrama ki runga hītōria kua wareware tahitia.

This exhibition explores the idea of remembering through the lens of cultural identity and resilience. The act of remembering is not just about recalling past moments from individual and collective histories; it is also a form of resistance and revitalisation. The process of forgetting, whether active or subconscious, is for Māori a process shaped by complex and sometimes traumatic layers of colonisation and displacement. Seen through the works of four artists, this exhibition highlights the power of memory to shed light on histories once forgotten.

Opening Hours

  • Mon - Sat, 10am - 5pm
  • Mon - Sat, 10am - 5pm


  • Wairua Māori Art Gallery
  • 2 Quayside, Town Basin
  • Whangārei 0110