
  • Ans Westra

Ans Westra (Born in Leiden, the Netherlands 1936) is responsible for the most comprehensive photo documentation of lives and cultures of New Zealanders during 40 years of cultural, social and generational change.

Toy-Land; shot in 2004 and printed in 2008, is a continuation of her remarkable ability to explore life through her camera. With reference to this series, Ans commented: “I started looking at the souvenir market, how we portray ourselves to the world, collecting things people sell for souvenirs. It is representation in a more playful way.” The Toy-Land series is another example of Ans’ great ability to make the ordinary extraordinary.

Opening Hours

  • Tuesday - Friday 11am - 6pm,
  • Saturday 11am - 4pm


  • 241 Cuba Street
  • Wellington, 6011