
  • Geoff Dixon

‘I kick myself I never thought of the title of the seven Oscar winning film …..Everything, everywhere, all at once (2022). For me, what a perfect description of my work for decades. Dimensions and time lines all at once. Our history, present and future all referenced in the tiniest piece of time. Our frailty, our follies and infrequently our fabulousness.

I was compelled to paint a couple of large works, initially to cover an awkward wall in the house. But big things were exploding into our global awareness and I guess this was my response, a comment on our survival in the natural world. I was also exploding out of my own limitations.

Big Bada Boom refers to a dialogue in the movie, The fifth element (1997), and basically refers to a massive explosion. I feel awkward about that title now as recent reports of a huge Asteroid 2024 YR4 heading for earth in 7 years emerge. Me just having painted all these asteroids, comets and meteors. But I don’t wish for my work to always resemble the end credits scene in Don’t look up (2021).’

Geoff Dixon, February 2025

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday, 11am-5pm
  • Saturday, 11-4pm
  • Sunday, 11-3pm


  • 39 Ghuznee Street
  • Te Aro
  • Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington