
  • Hemi Macgregor

Hemi Macgregor (Ngāti Rākaipaaka, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tūhoe) draws on geometric structures, patterns and processes in the natural world to explore our relationship with sky, water, earth and seasons.

In this solo exhibition, Macgregor explores the spiritual elements that connect humans to the external worlds of te taiao, te taimoana, te taiwhenua and into tātai tuarangi (the cosmos). Working across painting, sculpture and installation, Macgregor draws on geometric structures, patterns and processes found in raranga, tukutuku and taniko. Pūrākau are referenced throughout the exhibition to reflect our connection with the sky, water, earth, and seasons.

Waiora acknowledges Tane Te Waiora and the role of the environment in contributing to human wellness, which is implicitly linked to kaitiakitanga. Through the intersection of whakapapa, mātauranga, pūrākau and te reo me o na tikanga, Waiora identifies a series of genealogical webs that traverse time and space, acknowledging how te mana o nga atua shapes te ao marama.

Opening Hours

  • Mon-Sat: 10am-5pm
  • Sun: 10am-4:30pm


  • Cnr Norrie & Parumoana streets
  • Porirua