
  • Emily O’hara

Window is very excited to announce our final exhibition of our 2024/25 programme When the sun stands still by Emily O’hara! Please join us for the opening this Wednesday February 5th at 6pm. Kai and refreshments provided.

When the sun stands still takes the solstice as a starting point to explore notions of extended duration in relation to the celestial and everyday domestic space. The word solstice describes the two points of the year during which the sun is at the greatest distance from the equator. From Winter to Summer solstice during 2024 (June 21st to December 21st), twelve ‘lightboxes’ were hosted in twelve homes around Tāmaki Makaurau, each depicting one of the twelve zodiac constellations. Concealed inside each lightbox, a light sensitive material absorbed 2282 daylight hours, over 184 days, creating what O’hara calls a ‘Celestial Still’.

Emily O’Hara is a Spatial Designer with a background in event and scenographic design. Her spatial research considers the relationship between domestic space and regular temporal events (such as lunar and solar patterns, seasons, diurnal rhythms, life, death) and asks how such patterns inform and influence our everyday lives in both regular and extraordinary ways.

O’Hara completed her PhD in 2018, and is a Senior Lecturer in Spatial Design and Temporary Practices at Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland University of Technology.

Opening Hours

  • Viewable during General Library Hours:
  • Monday to Thursday 8am-10pm
  • Friday 8am-8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 9am-8pm


  • 5 Alfred St
  • General Library Foyer
  • University of Auckland
  • Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland