La Biennale di Venezia announce a five-week international call seeking applicants for the 2nd Biennale College Arte, a workshop program sponsored by La Biennale di Venezia.

The call is devoted to young emerging artists under the age of 30 based anywhere in the world, with a record of inclusion in at least 1 group exhibition and 1 solo exhibition in recognized national and/or international exhibition spaces. The program provides artists the opportunity to develop their projects in a series of workshops focused on training, research and experimentation, and will see a project developed by a team of curators and artists, tutors and mentors, and presented in the context of the 60th Venice Biennale, from 20 April - 24 November 2024.

Twelve projects will be selected, and the artists invited to participate in a 10-day workshop in Venice in October 2023, coordinated by 2024 Venice Biennale curator Adriano Pedrosa. Up to four projects will then be selected and eligible for a maximum contribution of € 25,000 for the realisation of the work.

Applications close 24 July 2023. Find out more and apply here.

IMAGE: Courtesy of La Biennale di Venezia