Exhibition Openings + Scholarship Announcement
Saturday 31 August, 5-7pmtetuhi.org.nz
Te Tuhi Artistic Director Gabriela Salgado and Executive Director Hiraani Himona invite you to attend the opening of the spring exhibition programme. We will also be announcing the 2019 recipient of the Iris Fisher Scholarship.
Catch the free Art Bus to the opening:
The Te Tuhi Art Bus will depart from Artspace, 300 Karangahape Road, at 4.30pm. It returns from Te Tuhi at 7pm.
Te Tuhi Artistic Director Gabriela Salgado and Executive Director Hiraani Himona invite you to attend the opening of the spring exhibition programme. We will also be announcing the 2019 recipient of the Iris Fisher Scholarship.
Catch the free Art Bus to the opening:
The Te Tuhi Art Bus will depart from Artspace, 300 Karangahape Road, at 4.30pm. It returns from Te Tuhi at 7pm.