
  • Various Artists

Ko “He aha?” te pātai a te hinekaro e mīharo ana, e rapu whakautu ana, e kimi kōrero ana.

Nā te tāpiri noa i te ‘mēnā’ ka huri katoa te ao, ko wai ka hua, ko wai ka mōhio ka aha?

Mā te pātai “he aha mēnā…?” ka toro atu te hinengaro pākiki ki tua i te āhua māori noa, ā, ka mīharo i te whārahi o pitomata. He tono ki te hinekaro auaha kia pūāwai ai, kia auaha anō ai —ki te kite i kā aroka houtaka, i kā tūhurataka whai tikaka me kā teneka mūrere.

Tētahi āhuataka kua pā ki ia kaitoi, i uiui ai rātou ki a rātou anō, “He aha menā ka…au?” kia nuku ki tua o te tūmanako noa, ā, kia hakaia he mea ahurei nā rātou anō

Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai ki “He aha mēnā…?” ka tukuna ō whakaaro pōhewa kia rere, ka whai hua tō pākiki i tēnei rā nei tou i te uika atu “He aha mēnā…?”

“What?” asks an enquiring mind full of wonder, looking for answers and seeking information.

Simply add an ‘if’ and you’ll find that all bets are off and just about anything could happen.

By asking “what if…?” a curious mind dares to reach beyond the ordinary as it marvels at all the possibilities. It’s an invitation for the imagination to flourish and start creating — to make innovative breakthroughs, critical discoveries and ingenious inventions.

Something these artists all have in common is they asked themselves “what if I…?” and moved past the expected to make something uniquely their own.

Nau mai, haere mai and welcome to “What if…?” where your imagination is welcome to soar and you can reward your own curiosity by asking “What if…?” today.

Opening Hours

  • Open daily, 10am-5pm


  • 30 The Octagon
  • Dunedin 9016